Discipline is never fun. I just cringe when I hear the word. It seems like no matter the case, the word discipline comes with a negative connotation. I came upon this picture today and in such simple terms Disney communicates a huge truth that is sometimes not so fun to accept.
Webster's Dictionary defines discipline in multiple ways. The first is something along the lines of punishment. A second definition is "to train or develop by instruction." I think when people hear the word discipline they automatically think of getting in trouble, paying consequences like the first definition leads you to believe. What I have come to experience are the benefits of discipline, especially when the second definition is the perspective I've taken.
When I was younger, my parents would occasionally need to discipline me when I was acting contrary to what was right. (I was QUITE the trouble maker:) ) I think that as a child it was easy to be mad or angry toward them because I thought they were being mean. I was viewing discipline the way I defined it first, as punishment. Little did I know, my parents were attempting "to train or develop by instruction" so that their daughter could learn and be molded into a more well rounded human being. Out of love, their discipline was intended for GOOD, not harm!
I think of situations everyday where I face that kind of training. The discipline may not be from my mom or dad and it may look different, but it is still a present, active tool used to keep shaping me. In a physical circumstance, I find the journey to remain healthy to be a journey of staying disciplined. There are days (sometimes weeks) where I would really rather not go to the gym, but because of the training I realize the habit is a good one. I have been disciplined for the better!
Spiritual discipline has shown itself in a couple of ways in my life. First, learning to have a consistent routine of reading my Bible, praying, etc. has been an important discipline to form. Secondly, there is a different discipline I find to be even more challenging. Just like my parents correcting me out of love, to help "develop by instruction" my character, God does the same thing. Because He is a loving and caring Father, He is not afraid to discipline His children when He knows what is best for them. I read something once that stated that God's biggest concern is with the quality of our character. It is all we get to take with us when we leave this broken world, so He wants it to be in the most tip top shape possible.
Even though discipline isn't fun, the impact changes people for the better. Just like in the Lady and the Tramp, firm discipline results in growth and development. In Hebrews 12:11 it states: No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
If you are in a season of discipline, by encouraged! If you just keep walking, it will be worth it in the end!
Well said.